The Association
Established in 1984 as the ‘Association to Promote a German Research and Education Network,’ the DFN Association is responsible for the operation and expansion of the German research network and related IT services.

We have more than 350 institutional members.
The DFN Association fulfils its statutory obligations in part by awarding research and development contracts and by organising services foruse by the German education and research community. We bring together the expertise and experience of our members and make this knowledge available to our users.
The Association statutes require general meetings which appoint the administrative committee and the board. The board consists of a chair and two deputies, and serves as the Association’s which has the status of the legal representation.
The board also set up three advisory committees. The main office is responsible for the Association’s general, daily business.
With its “Framework Programme for Development Activities,” the DFN Association has set up guidelines for further developing the research and education network and other DFN services. Additionally, the Association established a framework for involvement in projects with third-party funding.
The DFN Association operates on a strictly non-profit basis.