Berolinahaus Alexanderplatz
How to find us
The office is easily accessible by car or public transportation via the following lines and stops:
- Bus: Alexanderplatz/Grunerstr. 248, 300 | Alexanderplatz/Memhardstr. 100, 200
- Subway: Alexanderplatz U2, U5, U8
- S-Bahn: Alexanderplatz S3, S5, S7, S9
- Streetcar: Alexanderplatz/Dircksenstr. M2 | Alexanderplatz/Gonthardstr. M4, M5, M6
- Regional train: Alexanderplatz FEX, RB23, RE1, RE2, RE7, RE8
- Parking lot: e. g. Rathaus-Passagen, Grunerstrasse
Building entrance
You will find the entrance to our office on the side of the building facing the Weltzeituhr. The doorbell system is located on the right-hand side of the round glass door.